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Tunisian Association of
Energy Professionals

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1st National Day
of Innovations in the
Energy Sector
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Tunisian Association of Energy Professionals

The Tunisian Association of Energy Professionals aims to promote research, innovation, and collaboration in the energy and environmental sectors.

Its specific objectives include organizing events and training programs in the fields of energy and the environment, strengthening the link between universities and industry in the energy and environmental sectors in order to support the state’s policies in these areas, and establishing relationships with similar associations and non-governmental organizations at both national and international levels.
~ May 31, 2025, Monastir, Tunisia ~

1st National Day of Innovations in the Energy Sector


The 1st National Day of Innovations in the Energy Sector is a key event dedicated to advancing innovation and sustainability in energy. It brings together researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers to exchange knowledge, showcase new technologies, and foster collaborations for a sustainable energy future.


The 1st National Day of Innovations in the Energy Sector will focus on key topics, including Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Industrial Processes, Waste Valorization, Energy Transition, Decarbonization, and Hydrogen, fostering innovation and sustainability in the energy sector.


April 10: Abstract Submission Deadline
April 20: Acceptance Notification
April 30: Full Paper Submission & Payment


Participation Fee: 100 DT
Payment Methods & Instructions

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